Thursday, May 25, 2006


Un amigo mío, me regaló un libro de poemas canadienses, y ayer que lo estaba leyendo, encontré uno que me gustó, aunque es un libro para niños, me pareció bonito, además que habla un poco sobre un cuento me gusta mucho que se llama " Los hermanos cuervo" (o algo así... luego lo busco bien...)

"So They Went Deeper into the Forest..."

"So they went deeper into the forest," said Jacob Grimm,
And the child sat listening will all his ears,
While the angry queen passed. an in after years
The voice and the fall of words came back to him
(Though the fish and the faithful servant were grown dim,
The aproned witch, the door that disappears,
The lovely maid weeping delicious tears
And the youngest brother, with onw bright-feathered limb)-
"Deepen into the forest."
There are oaks and beeches
And the gree high hollies. The multitudinous tree
Stands on the hill and clothes of the valley, reaches
Over long lands, down to a roaring sea.
And the child moved onward, into the heart of the wood,
Unhindered, unresisted, unwithstood."



At 7:52 PM, Blogger hippie said...

Me likeee!!!
demasiados simbolismos


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